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1. After this law I beheld another law of an inferior luminary, the name of which is the moon,

1. And after this law I saw another law with reference to the smaller luminary whose name is moon.

1. And after this law I saw another law dealing with the smaller luminary, which is named the Moon.

1. Efter denna lag såg jag en annan lag för en lägre himlakropp, hvars namn är Månan

1. Efter denna lag såg jag en annan lag för en lägre himlakropp, hvars namn är Månan

2. and the orb of which is as the orb of heaven. Its chariot, which it secretly ascends, the wind blows; and light is given to it by measure.

2. And her circuit is like the circuit of the heavens, and her chariot in which she rides is driven by the wind, and in a measure light is given to her.

2. And her circumference is like the circumference of the heaven, and her chariot in which she rides is driven by the wind, and light is given to her in (definite) measure.

2. och hvars omkrets är såsom himmelens omkrets. Dess vagn, hvilken i hemlighet uppstiger, föres af vinden, och ljus tilldelas den genom mått.

2. och hvars omkrets är såsom himmelens omkrets. Dess vagn, hvilken i hemlighet uppstiger, föres af vinden, och ljus tilldelas den genom mått.

3. Every month at its exit and entrance it becomes changed; and its periods are as the periods of the sun. And when in like manner its light is to exist, (79) its light is a seventh portion from the light of the sun.

(79) And when in…is to exist. I.e., when the moon is full (Knibb, p. 171).

3. Every month her ascent and her descent is changed; her days are like the days of the sun, and when her light is equal [full] her light is the seventh part of the light of the sun.

3. And her rising and setting change every month: and her days are like the days of the sun, and when her light is uniform (i. e. full) it amounts to the seventh part of the light of the sun.

3. Hvarje månad vid dess utgång och ingång blir den förändrad, och dess skiften äro likasom solens skiften, och då på lika sätt dess ljus är till, utgör dess ljus en sjundedel af solens ljus.

3. Hvarje månad vid dess utgång och ingång blir den förändrad, och dess skiften äro likasom solens skiften, och då på lika sätt dess ljus är till, utgör dess ljus en sjundedel af solens ljus.

4. Thus it rises, and at its commencement towards the east goes forth for thirty days. At that time it appears, and becomes to you the beginning of the month. Thirty days it is with the sun in the gate from which the sun goes forth.

4. And thus she rises. And her beginning in the east comes forth on the thirtieth morning, and on that day she becomes visible and is for you the beginning of the moon, on the thirtieth morning, together with the sun in the portal whence the sun proceeds.

4. And thus she rises. And her first phase in the east comes forth on the thirtieth morning: and on that day she becomes visible, and constitutes for you the first phase of the moon on the thirtieth day together with the sun in the portal where the sun rises.

4. Sålunda uppgår den, och vid dess början i öster fortgår den i trettio dagar. Vid den tiden synes den och blir för eder månadens begynnelse. Trettio dagar är den med solen i den port, från hvilken solen utgår.

4. Sålunda uppgår den, och vid dess början i öster fortgår den i trettio dagar. Vid den tiden synes den och blir för eder månadens begynnelse. Trettio dagar är den med solen i den port, från hvilken solen utgår.

5. Half of it is in extent seven portions, one half; and the whole of its orb is void of light, except a seventh portion out of the fourteen portions of its light.

5. And the one half is prominent by the seventh part, and her whole circuit is empty, and there is no light with the exception of the one seventh part of the fourteen parts of light.

5. And the one half of her goes forth by a seventh part, and her whole circumference is empty, without light, with the exception of one-seventh part of it, (and) the fourteenth part of her light.

5. Hälften deraf är i vidden sju delar och en half; och det hela af dess omkrets är tomt på ljus, utom en sjundedel af de fjorton delarne af dess ljus.

5. Hälften deraf är i vidden sju delar och en half; och det hela af dess omkrets är tomt på ljus, utom en sjundedel af de fjorton delarne af dess ljus.

6. And in a day it receives a seventh portion, or half that portion, of its light. Its light is by sevens, by one portion, and by the half of a portion.

6. And on that day when she takes up the seventh part and the half of her light, her light contains one seventh and one seventh part and the half of it.

6. And when she receives one-seventh part of the half of her light, her light amounts to one-seventh part and the half thereof.

6. Men hvarje dag erhåller det en sjundedel alla en half sjundedel af sitt ljus. Dess ljus ökas dagligen en fjortondedel af det hela eller en half sådan del.

6. Men hvarje dag erhåller det en sjundedel alla en half sjundedel af sitt ljus. Dess ljus ökas dagligen en fjortondedel af det hela eller en half sådan del.

7. Its sets with the sun. And when the sun rises, the moon rises with it; receiving half a portion of light. On that night, when it commences its period, previously to the day of the month, the moon sets with the sun. And on that night it is dark in its fourteen portions, that is, in each half;

7. She sets with the sun. And when the sun rises the moon also rises with him and takes a half portion of light, and in that night in the beginning of her morning on her first day the moon sets with the sun, and is darkened in that night, with the seventh and the seventh portions and the half of one.

7. And she sets with the sun, and when the sun rises the moon rises with him and receives the half of one part of light, and in that night in the beginning of her morning [in the commencement of the lunar day] the moon sets with the sun, and is invisible that night with the fourteen parts and the half of one of them.

7. Den nedgår med solen. Och då solen uppgår, uppgår månan med den, erhållande en half del af ljus. På den natt, då den börjar sin bana före månads-dagen, nedgår månan med solen. Och på den natten är den mörk i dess fjorton delar, det vill säga i hvarje hälft;

7. Den nedgår med solen. Och då solen uppgår, uppgår månan med den, erhållande en half del af ljus. På den natt, då den börjar sin bana före månads-dagen, nedgår månan med solen. Och på den natten är den mörk i dess fjorton delar, det vill säga i hvarje hälft;

8. but it rises on that day with one seventh portion precisely, and in its progress declines from the rising of the sun. During the remainder of its period its light increases to fourteen portions.

8. And she will rise on that day with exactly the seventh part, and will come out and become smaller from the rising of the sun and shine the rest of her days, with the seventh and the seventh part.

8. And she rises on that day with exactly a seventh part, and comes forth and recedes from the rising of the sun, and in her remaining days she becomes bright in the (remaining) thirteen parts.

8. men den uppgår på den dagen med jemnt en sjundedel, och i sin bana afviker den från solens uppgång. Under det återstående af dess omloppstid ökar sig dess ljus till fjorton delar.

8. men den uppgår på den dagen med jemnt en sjundedel, och i sin bana afviker den från solens uppgång. Under det återstående af dess omloppstid ökar sig dess ljus till fjorton delar.

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